Veranstaltungshinweis: Workshop „Empowerment Media“ mit Pato Kelesitse

Women on Air – Globale Dialoge veranstalten mit COMMIT und der Frauen*solidarität die Online-Reihe „Empowerment Media“. Es geht um Projektvorstellungen in den Bereichen Konstruktiver Journalismus, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Diversität in Medien.

Di., 05.11. 2024, 17:00-18:30, Online
Empowerment Media: Pato Kelesitse
This presentation will explore the critical role of media in climate advocacy, emphasizing the power of storytelling with a focus on women’s narratives to propel climate action. We will discuss why amplifying these stories is not only impactful but essential for fostering inclusive and effective climate solutions.

Pato Kelesitse is a sustainable development practitioner, climate justice advocate, and founder of Sustain267. She hosts the Sustain267 Podcast, which amplifies African voices, solutions, knowledge, and research in climate action. Pato serves as an official party delegate to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she negotiates on Loss and Damage issues. She is also a board member of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund and an adviser for Urgent Action Fund-Africa. Recently, she was appointed to the Botswana National Youth Council by the Minister of Youth, Gender, Sports, and Culture.

Anmeldung: bei Tania Napravnik (COMMIT): (die Teilnahme ist kostenlos)

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